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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


What's going on guys today I woke up went to the Gym worked out on the bike for 20 min did my abs. Than I went home had a smoothie and a Rubin sandwich. Got ready picked up Jamen went to work priced TV's put away movies. I also did a ton of customer service and a few odds and ends jobs Cassie picked me up we went shopping for her mom. Got all her things next we went tanning went home. Made some hamburgers cleaned the kitchen paid some bills now here I am writing this I have to get up at 6 so I can workout and go to work by 8 so this is going to be short. I hope you all accomplish your dreams I also have been reading the bible I'm to Exodus Chapter 22. I hope you enjoy these posts have a great day Joseph Monsen.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 18th 2013

Today was awesome we woke up hung out for a while I went to the gym and ran a mile went tanning. Took the kids to see Grandma than me and Cassie went out to Red Lobster had some rolls a salad cheese sticks Lobster Tail steak broccoli mashed potatoes. Came home played words with friends and now I am going to bed goodnight everyone. Joseph Monsen

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 17th 2013

What's going on everyone? I hope you all had a great weekend. I had a great Sunday. I woke up around 9:00 am got ready for my meeting I missed the talk but the Watchtower was very good. After that I took my family to Walmart bought some lunch and dinner I had Ruben sandwichs for lunch. Steak, Shrimp and a baked potato for dinner also a Cobb salad as a mid meal snack. I got all my work done at Walmart. Worked from 2:00 to 10:00 today. All and all it was a great day my son wanted to show me the Hokey Pokey he thinks it is great so I made a new video for it on YouTube you can view it. Enjoy your day today I mean really enjoy every minute of it. Look for the good in any situation sometimes it can be hard but you need to find it because lots of times we can make more out of something than what is really there. Talk to you soon Joseph Monsen

Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 16th 2013

Today I woke up at 6am had some coffee hung out with my sister she had me go to the store and buy some things for a breakfast casserole. It took a while to make but was a wonderful brunch. Than we left went to go visit my mom gave her a tv so in order to put it in her house I had to do some rearanging. Next drove frome Slc to Payton and we went to the liquor store for my wife's mom. Went home took a shower got ready for work had some spaghetti for lumch. Went to work till 10pm bought some grasshoppers drove home ate chicken and rice for dinner read the watchtower for tomorrow and now I am ready for bed remember all you can do is all you can do but all you can do is enough. See you later Joseph Monsen

Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15th 2013

today was a good day I slept in again. Than I went to pick up little man. After that we went to the gym. I hate it that I Pay $103.00 for a extra service at Golds Gym than you drive 20 miles to workout. Them they say there are too many kids when there was 5 in the room. I won't ever buy a membership there again. So after that went tanning, Got Jamen a hair cut went to Walmart and got the kids new tvs and some other stuff. Then I went to get Cassies brother set our stuff up went to my sisters house to give her some things and we had some taco soup very good oh yeah for lunch we went to Barrys in spanish fork get the patty melt with grilled onions. Had a Shock Top and i'm spending the night. Keep on going in life don't stop or give in. See you later Joseph Monsen

Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14th 2013

Today was a good day I slept in until about 9:00 or 10:00. Woke up ate some Special K for breakfast. I played some games with my little man. I was playing Skylanders Islands or something of the sort with him he just loves that game. Next My wife brought her brother over so I played a wrestling game on the ps2 with him. I heard they are making ps4 but I don't have any idea when it releases I need to workout got to just do it first thing in the morning when I wake up. Tomorrow is another day. I made some delicious spaghetti tonight check it out We had some garlic bread with it. Than I watched the history of The Bible Old Testament Disc 1. Helped out with the dishes took apart my old computer to see if I could get it to work with no luck. So here I am just recording my life It's back to work tomorrow gotta love Walmart. I'm going to keep on moving like you should too take the little things that happens in life and learn to enjoy it. Don't give up on yourself keep on keeping on I hope you enjoy this I will see you soon. Joseph Monsen

February 13th 2013

Today was great I woke up early with my wife, got the kids ready for school. After we dropped them off we went to Walmart and got a new computer it's the HP Pavilion with Windows 8. I'm digging it so far I got my free antivirus working and I started working on my website. I got all the solo tents loaded on and all of the 2 man tents as well. I had to walk to my son's school to pick him up. It was pretty cold out there he had his 100th day of Kindergarten crown on his head he is just too cute. We walked home and he was acting like he was so tired and he would just fall in the snow. We got home I feed him lunch, worked on my site some more. Than my wife came home from taking her sister to the Dr. She has to take her again tomorrow as well I hope she gets felling better. We just sat around and talked for a bit. My wife had an idea that we go on a date so she called up her mom but she was tired from all the running around. So we decided to take the kids out to dinner and a movie. We went to Chuck a Rama I ate a ton of food. I also cheated and had 2 Dr Peppers. Sometimes you have to live a little. After that we went and saw The Life of Pi. That was a good show It made me thankful for what I have in my life. We came home my wife crashed with the kids. I stayed up doing some website marketing. I also decided to create this blog so I can look back on things. I hope you all enjoy my post you will be hearing from me very soon. Joseph Monsen